Coaching and Leadership Blog for Leaders and Coaches
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Coach as IOT Gateway
We’ve heard a lot of talk about the Internet of Things (IoT) and all its benefits for subscribers and service providers alike. M2M or Machine to Machine is the foundation of IOT. Machine to machine is a broad label used to describe connections between devices that are managed and enabled without human intervention. The initial … Continue reading "Coach as IOT Gateway"
- Jul 30th 2018
Being a counselor and consultant to schools, when I first heard about the concept of Coaching I was really excited. I was curious and keen to learn and experience the positive change it will bring in me and in those with whom I come in contact with. I have been interacting with a large number … Continue reading "INSIDE OUT"
Getting to not know
So Rajat said a fortnight ago “a state of not knowing” is critical to a good coaching conversation. And for me I got an opportunity to know more about not knowing when I was coaching a GAP changemaker. GAP is Global Action on Poverty. It’s a unique organization that gives coaches (amongst other professionals) a … Continue reading "Getting to not know"
Benefits & value of coaching: My personal experience of being coached
When I was starting out with my journey as an Executive coach, I heard a number of people I coached tell me that they had benefited from my coaching. For the most part, I didn’t take their comments seriously. I assumed that they didn’t want to discourage me & were just being nice to me … Continue reading "Benefits & value of coaching: My personal experience of being coached"
Enemies of Learning
Your success as a leader or the different roles you play in the society, depends on your learning abilities as well. Unless we keep learning, we will not be able to evolve and become better from what we are today. This will definitely have an impact on our ability to succeed. There are different learning … Continue reading "Enemies of Learning"
What is Group Coaching?
What is Group Coaching? At its heart, group coaching is basically all about creating action, decision and self-discovery within a group. However, what does that really mean? In traditional coaching, there’s a powerful and direct relationship between the client and coach whereby the coach makes room for direct learning and conversation. When it comes to … Continue reading "What is Group Coaching?"
What is Transformational Coaching?
In general, coaching is, generative in nature, results oriented and requires the client to learn how to be accountable for everything that goes in their lives. Coaching empowers you to shift interpretations that no longer serve you in your life. Now, transformational coaching is basically the deeper work of coaching. A transformational coach seeks to … Continue reading "What is Transformational Coaching?"
Timezone Bias!!
You are working in GMT + 5:30 timezone and you have either clients or office colleagues working out of GMT – 7 timezone on the other side of the world. You usually take calls at 11 PM in the night, irrespective of the other person being a client or colleague!! Does this sound familiar?? I have worked … Continue reading "Timezone Bias!!"
Types of Coaching
The term coaching ordinarily refers to strategies for helping other people to enhance, create, learn new abilities, discover individual achievement, accomplish points and to oversee life change and individual difficulties. Coaching regularly addresses attitudes, practices, abilities and knowledge, and in addition profession objectives and yearnings, and can likewise center around physical and profound improvement as … Continue reading "Types of Coaching"
To Be, or not to Be
I’ve been a person with what you’d call a colourful past. Well, at least, career wise. I went to law school, and after five gruelling years, decided to pursue a career in theatre and radio. Although I enjoyed it thoroughly, I missed a particular kind of intellectual challenge and working with and building a team. … Continue reading "To Be, or not to Be"
Why great people will not stay!
Why great people will not stay! Lately, there have been many movements and instability in my organisation, I tried to understand the reason why all my talents are leaving the esteemed organisation where people has been enjoying working in the organisation and even many of them has been with the company for more than 5 … Continue reading "Why great people will not stay!"