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Coach as a service
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How are you as an Organization supporting your Leaders
Grow and develop their Leadership Competencies?

Do you have a ready pipe-line of visionary leaders
that can take over Executive roles soon?

Coaching Services

Some leaders have inborn leadership skills, while others need to develop them. However, all leaders are capable of greatness if they receive the right direction and support at the right time. Therefore, many top organizations engage in coaching for their leaders. This helps them develop their overall leadership skills, address their most challenging tasks effectively, and add value to their organizations.

Coach-To-Transformation provides personalized, one-on-one coaching as well as group coaching based on the need. We support your executives, managers, and individual learners in developing their leadership skills, facing challenges, accelerating their growth, achieving their goals, and building relationships.

To make the coaching journey a successful experience, organizations need to find a coach who is qualified, experienced, and professional. Regardless of where an individual is in their career, coaching can benefit both their professional and personal growth.

Finding the Right Coach

Organizations need coaches to develop their employees. The process of finding a suitable coach can be taxing. With too many coaches, confusing credentials, and the complexity of predicting efficacy, clients can become overwhelmed. Therefore, a centralized system or a one-stop shop for sourcing coaches is an easy and effortless way to get employees coached by suitable professionals.

Our clients constantly seek our help in sourcing quality coaches who will provide meaningful and measurable outcomes. In some cases, clients prefer to be involved in selecting their coaches, perhaps even evaluating a few before making a decision. We aim to give our clients credible information on a platform that is simple to use, quick, and different.

We strive to match clients and coaches based on the client’s goals and objectives. We believe in building a trusting relationship with complete confidentiality to foster honest reflection. Matching coaches and clients according to organizational requirements helps smooth the coaching journey, creating an environment of trust and comfort.

What is Coach As A Service?

Coach-To-Transformation brings to you Coach As A Service wherein we provide qualified and highly experienced Coaches for your organization across the spectrum of hierarchy. We do an internal mapping of Coaches and organization requirement and then share the suitable coaches that match the profile for Organizations to help you get a coach that’s most suited. We have a pool of >1000+ global coaches, each curated and aligned to the organizational requirement.

What Makes Coach-to-Transformation
Unique for your coaching needs?

Each coach is carefully selected by validating credentials. We observe, record, evaluate coaches in action to bring the highest standards to this network. We analyze comprehensive data and gather our understanding of client needs to quickly and effectively find a coach that best-fits the profiles for an assignment.

Once the engagement starts, we help the client manage the engagement by tracking the project in real-time, available at a click to the client, coachee, and coach without compromising on confidentiality. We are the only organization in India to provide software that allows tracking of the project. The sponsor has real-time access to a number of sessions, initial and final ratings on objectives, billing, invoicing, status, etc. Our process is designed in a way that our client group can easily draw reports on their employees’ coaching journey and track project completion.

Coach-To-Transformation’s Methodology


Find a coach that matches your
requirement from our Global registry of carefully curated credentialed coaches


Comprehensive diagnostics of your
needs and well-articulated outcome


Quality Surveys


360° feedback and review
of progress


Engagement details
available at a click


Measurable results to weigh
the coaching impact

Leadership Coaching is a personal developmental process in which a leader gets help from a coach to achieve a goal and further elevate their skills and abilities. Leadership Coaching is designed based on the needs of the individual to focus on various aspects such as developing Leadership skills, Talent management, Systemic thinking, Better decision making, Creative problem solving, etc. It’s a journey which will help prepare them rise to the next level in the organization ensuring functioning at their maximum potential. Leadership Coaching helps build your leaders for tomorrow and sharpen skills of today’s leaders to give your organization an edge over competition and accelerated growth.
Leaders aren’t born, they’re made. The capability of an organization’s leadership is a reflection of an organization’s overall performance. Powerful leadership in an organization can accelerate desirable returns, and vice versa, a leader that lacks self-awareness can reduce productivity in an organization. Leadership Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative partnership that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential, often unlocking previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership. (Source- International Coach FederationNo matter the size of your Organization or the nature of concern or leadership gap you experience, Leadership Coaching Services will help your leaders methodically articulate their goals, tap into the potential, develop insight, discover their unique solution, draw actionable and measure success.
Leadership Coaching engagement is usually designed to span over a period of 6-8 months with a minimum of 6 one-to-one coaching sessions but can be customized based on individual requirements. The sessions are spread as per the various stages below:
Stage 1 – Goal setting between Coach and Coachee
Stage 2 – One-to-one coaching sessions
Stage 3– Mid Review Session to assess the progress
Stage 4 - One-to-one coaching sessions
Stage 5 – Final Review and Closure
Sometimes a leader has the required technical excellence, knowledge and resources but cannot achieve the desired difference they need or want to see in the space they work. Something much more personal and involved is needed for Leadership Development- Leadership Coaching.Leaders already have technical expertise of the area they operate in. What they need is a coach that will create an environment that provokes introspection and self-reflection to clarify and crystallize goals and help them in leadership development. Leadership coach helps the individual in finding their own solution and committing to the action that will help them move forward in the direction they desire.
Leadership Coaching Services are ideal for:
  • Individuals who want to develop their leadership skills. This will enable them take higher leadership roles in the organization eg. Individuals in Senior Manager roles looking forward for higher opportunities
  • People already in leadership roles like CXOs who wish to sharpen and develop leadership skills
Benefits of leadership Coaching are manyfold. It helps leaders drive clarity & direction. Leaders & organizations can benefit from Leadership Development as below:
  • Discover leader’s unique style of Leadership
  • Helps challenge his/her own beliefs
  • Gain awareness and clarity to maximise leader’s potential
  • Increase Organizational commitment and employee engagement
  • Have Leaders that motivate and build high performance teams
  • Organization is ready with a successor to take on next level role
Coach-To-Transformation provides Leadership Coaching Services with:
  • The most suitable coach based on the organization requirement from its carefully curetted pool of >1000 global credentialed coaches.
  • Comprehensive diagnostics of your needs and well-articulated outcome
  • A session to discuss and understand the outcome
  • Effective trackers to track the progress
  • Engagement details of coaching journey available at a click
  • Measurable results to weigh the coaching impact

Is Leadership Coaching apt for senior managers in my organization?
Yes. Leadership Coaching is good for all individuals who want to develop or build in leadership skills. Senior Managers being next in line for leadership roles are ideal candidates for undergoing Leadership Coaching.

I have a team of middle managers wanting to step up in a leadership role. Will Leadership Coaching be helpful for them?
Leadership Coaching is for anyone who wants to develop their leadership skills. Middle Managers who are star performers and are being looked at by the organization on a forward Career path are good candidates for Leadership Coaching.
Executive coaching is a personal development process in which an individual gets coached to achieve his goals and further enhance his skills and competencies. Executives whilst possessing the technical expertise in their role face various challenges like time management, conflict management, communication issues, networking, executive presence, people management and so on. Irrespective of where the person is in their career or professional life, executive coaching helps individuals on aspects that s/he wants to be coached on and enables them to become a better professional.
  • Create Self – Awareness
  • Work on the challenges that they are facing in their current role
  • Develops them for the next role
  • Develop executive presence
  • Talent retention
  • Enthusiastic and engaged workforce
  • Increased productivity
An Executive Coach will help you:
  • Identify your area of development
  • Know the cause, triggers, impact and benefits of working on the relevant area
  • Prepare an action plan to reach your desired goal
An Executive Coach should be qualified with relevant Credentials and experience. He should be an expert in competencies that are needed to coach the individual. Coach-To-Transformation provides Executive Coaching Services by making the process easy and smooth by internal mapping of coaches from its global pool of >1000 coaches with the organization requirements and providing the most suitable coach relevant to the Coachee.
  • Any Executive who wishes to enhance skills, develop competencies, better performance is welcome to the Executive Coaching Program.
  • Organizations that believe in investing in their people development and unleashing the potential of their people develop competencies
Executive Coaching engagement is usually designed to span over a period of 4-6 months but can be customized based on individual requirements.
Stage 1 - Understanding the coaching/development need, clarify the objective for coaching
Stage 2 – Stakeholder Engagement as needed
Stage 3 – One-to-one coaching sessions
Stage 4 –Create a sustainable plan
Stage 5- Closure with measuring impact
Coach-To-Transformation provides:
  • The most suitable coach based on the organization requirement from its carefully curated pool of >1000 global credentialed coaches.
  • Comprehensive diagnostics of your needs and well-articulated outcome
  • A session to discuss and understand the outcome
  • Effective trackers to track the progress
  • Engagement details of coaching journey available at a click
  • Measurable results to weigh the coaching impact

Is Executive Coaching only for star performers?

Executive Coaching is for any individual in the organization irrespective of where s/he is in the career path and irrespective of organization hierarchy. Thus any employee in your organization whom you deem needs coaching is eligible for undergoing Executive Coaching.

What will my executives gain by undergoing Executive Coaching?

By hiring an executive cach, your executives will have more clarity on their goal, will be more self aware, have an action plan to proceed forward, will be more engaged and in relevant cases also ready for the next role.

How long is an intervention of Executive Coaching?

Executive Coaching is designed usually over a  span of 4-6 months. However , it is completely customizable depending on the individual requirements.

Regardless of if you are a start-up or a SME or a Fortune 500 Organization, Performance Coaching is aimed at improving individual and team performance thereby impacting the Organization's overall performance.Performance Coaching Services by Coach-To-Transformation challenges the limiting beliefs in a supporting manner to have individuals perform at their maximum potentials and optimise on their team’s performance. It helps create a culture for feedback and feedforward to enable and empower high performance and amplify impact on growth.
Teams should focus their energies on external challenges and making the end customer experience better. Capitalising on the market, mapping effective strategies, planning, goal setting, excellence in execution, enhancing creativity and the list can be never ending. If in turn your teams’ energies are getting sucked in solving internal issues, if your teams or organizations are struggling with targets and performance or collaboration and support, Performance Coaching can help.Performance coaching can help:
  • Unleash your team’s untapped potential
  • Build a high performance team
  • Seeing the big picture
  • Creativity, collaboration and Improved interpersonal skills
  • Easier conflict resolution
  • Understanding Individual and collective ownership and responsibilities
  • Optimum productivity and efficiency
  • Adapting to change with each other’s support
Coach-To-Transformation provides Performance Coaching Services using internal mapping to find the most suitable Performance Coach for you. Benefits of Performance Coaching are many wherein it can help individuals:
  • Improve individual performance
  • Better conflict handling skills
  • Build high performing teams
  • Establish a culture for feedforward discussions
  • Improved team bonding
  • Creates a culture of trust
  • Builds agility and resilience
  • Improves employee retention and productivity
Individuals and Teams willing to go that extra mile and create strong High-Performance teams.
Performance Coaching usually spans over 6 months but can be customized based on individual requirements. It includes various stages as below:
Stage 1 – Understanding current state
Stage 2 – Defining the desired stage
Stage 3 – Group Coaching (For team coaching)
Stage 4 – Individual Coaching – (for individuals)
Stage 5 – Sustainable and measurable action plan

Is performance coaching an individual or team coaching program?

Coach-To-Transformation has both these options available in performance coaching, basis the level or the employee being coached or the Organizational need we can select either of the two modalities.

Does performance coaching help a team or an individual?

The effectiveness of coaching on individuals is proved and stated through various case studies and surveys, coaching is equally effective within teams and cross functional teams as it increases self-awareness and understanding of others.  Thus individual as well as Team coaching leads to better coordination and collaboration in-turn resulting in improved work output and Organisational effectiveness.

What should one opt for Leadership coaching or Performance coaching?

The choice of the coaching should be based on an individual’s objective of being coached. If the objective is enhancement of leadership competencies one should go for Leadership Coaching and if the objective is being  successful in the current role and optimising performance the choice should be performance coaching.

How many coaching sessions are required for best results?

For best results we recommend about 8 – 10 coaching sessions

What is the most ideal gap between 2 sessions?

There  is some self-work that has to be done between 2 sessions and hence we recommend a gap of 30 days in between sessions.

Individuals at a point in their professional life either feel lost about their Career or wonder what’s the next step. They wonder whether they are in the right career or not. If yes, what should be the next step in the career- whether a vertical move or a lateral move? Career coaching helps individuals look through a lens that will not only help them see their career path clearly but also help them plan actionables to reach that goal.Career coaching is a process of proactively managing one’s professional life to maximise potential and reach the desired goal. It helps employees perform at their peak and look for maximised productivity and job satisfaction.
Career coaching has an individual and organisational level of impact. Services can bring about-
  • Making informed decision about career evolution
  • Build confidence and define value proposition
  • More engaged workforce
  • Positivity and increased enthusiasm in employees
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved productivity
  • More flexibility in utilisation of Human Capital
  • Maximum utilisation of resources
  • Making informed decision about career evolution
  • Individuals who want to have clarity in their career path
  • Organizations that can provide Employee Lateral growth and inter departmental movements.
  • Organizations going through a change, or restructuring having the bandwidth to accommodate employee interest and better their engagement levels can opt for Career Coaching Services
A career Coach will hold your hand and be a partner in your journey to help you define your career. A career coach will help you:
  • Understand your strengths
  • Become self-aware
  • Identify or reconfirm your career path
  • Prepare an action plan for you to move towards your goal
Coach-To-Transformation provides face to face as well as online career coaching services which is usually a 3 months’ commitment but can be customized based on individual requirements. It includes the below stages:
Stage 1 – Introductory session to explain the objective of the Coaching Sessions, and understand the current situation
Stage 2 – One-to-One coaching session to chalk out a career plan
Stage 3 – Closing Session with actionable to reach the goal
Coach-To-Transformation provides:
  • The most suitable coach based on the organization requirement from its carefully curated pool of >1000 global credentialed coaches.
  • Comprehensive diagnostics of your needs and well-articulated outcome
  • A session to discuss and understand the outcome
  • Effective trackers to track the progress
  • Engagement details of coaching journey available at a click
  • Measurable results to weigh the coaching impact

Why should Organizations opt for Career Coaching?

Organizations going through a change, or restructuring having the bandwidth to accommodate employee interest and better their engagement levels can opt for Career Coaching. Career Coaching will help employees have clarity on their career path and make an informed decision on their career evolution.

Will a career coach help me find a new job?

Every coaching assignment begins with objective setting. Career coach will help you understand your goal and work with you on that goal. Career coach will help you discover what is the Career path that you wish to follow.

“I am not what happens to me, I am what I choose to become!” – Carl Jung.Transition coaching is a creative process of making the most out of the change. A process where your coach and you can collaborate and create a clear vision for the future. Business leaders, Organizations of all sizes or start-ups interested in finding a new direction for their organization, organizational restructuring, upskilling their talent, internal Job posting, or any job transfers can opt for career transition coaching. Transition of any sort can be overwhelming for employees and providing them support in these times in form of a Career Transition Coach can be a great deal of assistance.Some of the aspects covered in Career Transition Coaching Services are overcoming stress, looking at opportunities, overcoming procrastination, creating a vision-mission and value for self, developing emotional quotient and managing the transition with a plan of action.
Transition can be voluntary or involuntary for an employee or Organization and could be of various types such as organizational restructuring, transfer of location or change in job role.  Career Transition Coaching Services offered by Coach-To-Transformation has multiple benefits to both individuals and organizations:
  • Smooth and easy transition of individuals in new roles/responsibilities
  • Optimise workforce through effective alignment
  • Create a talent pool and pipe-line
  • Create workforce alignment towards Organizational Goals
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence
  • Talent management and Talent Development
  • Corporate Branding
Transition Coaching Services are for:
  • Anyone undergoing a change in career, location, culture, department can enrol for Transition Coaching.
  • Anyone who foresees to join a new team or assignment or project can look at Career Coaching. Organizations going through mergers, acquisitions, organizational restructuring, cross functional changes, upskilling, fast paced growth can definitely consider Transition coaching for its employees.
Organizations go through transitions may it be mergers, acquisitions, restructuring or lay-offs. A major change in your professional career at any point could be challenging. Your Career Transition coach will help you:
  • Understand and accept the change
  • Support you on your path of discovery and letting go of the past and welcome what is in store for you
  • Map your existing capabilities and competencies to what is expected from your new role
  • Analyse the gap and help you discover your potential to cover those gaps
  • Prepare an action plan for you to navigate through the transition smoothly
Stage 1 – Understanding the Change – Tri party discussion with the Coachee, Supervisor and Career Transition Coach
Stage 2 – One -to-one coaching to
  • Face what’s ending
  • Understand strengths and opportunities
  • Preparing for the new beginning (a detailed action plan to face the change)
Stage 3 – Aligning the change and the plan to have a vision for the futureDuration – Basis the number of employees to be coached this journey can entail one-to-one coaching sessions or group coaching and would typically include 4 to 6 sessions spread over 4 to 6 months. However, it can be customized based on individual requirements.
Coach-To-Transformation provides:
  • The most suitable coach based on the organization requirement from its carefully curetted pool of >1000 global credentialed coaches.
  • Comprehensive diagnostics of your needs and well-articulated outcome
  • Effective trackers to track the progress
  • Engagement details of coaching journey available at a click
  • Measurable results to weigh the coaching impact
  • Coaching engagement can be carried out with individuals or in group sessions

Does an Organisation need a Career transition coach? 

In the event your Organization is going through rapid changes or growth where a lot of talent needs restructuring or alignment you definitely need a career transition coach. Organizations with a high amount of attrition, acquisition or merger also require a career transition coach.

If an employee is not happy with his current job role or department, can transition coaching help?

Certainly, a career transition coach can help the employee gain clarity on what is missing or needed and the employee will be in a better position to understand his capabilities and interest.

Is transition coaching only meant for employees transitioning from one role to another?

such as change in job role, responsibility, location, organization, department and Career transition coaching can help and support all of these.

How does transition coaching help the Organization?

Career Transition coaching helps the employee understand the need for transition and helps him/her gather clarity  on the need for change, benefits from the change, alignment to the new role, and helping the Organization in having an engaged and productive employee.

Maternity Coaching is coaching intended specifically for employees resuming work after maternity leave. Maternity Coaching can help employees discover the purpose of change, understand their journey, understand self and how to function during change. It will help employees look at all the options and beyond, deliberate and decide. Maternity Coaching will help individuals plan and action out their settling in the role once they resume work from the break. Coach-To-Transformation’s Maternity coaching can be like a spring board to bounce its women employees back into action.
  • A Culture of freedom and flexibility
  • Plan ahead for employees availing of a maternity leave and be ready for it
  • Provide a helping hand to the employee returning from maternity leave
  • Be ready for the change and manage it better
  • Have a plan for getting back and staying in touch
  • Improves retention of talented women employees
Maternity coaching help women returning from Maternity leaves consider:
  • Changes in their identity how new parents can find a good work-life balance
  • Re-engaging with stakeholders and key clients.
  • Formal or informal alternative work patterns.
  • Setting boundaries between work and personal space/time
  • Set expectations at work
  • Manage anxiety
  • Define future career aspirations and career momentum
Maternity Coaching is ideal for:
  • Mothers resuming work post maternity leave
Maternity Coaching is usually designed as a 4-session coaching. However, it can be customized based on individual requirements. It usually follows below stages:
Stage 1 – Communication to women employees availing maternity leave about available option of maternity coaching
Stage 2 – One to one coaching sessions held before, during and post maternity leave
Stage 3 – Measure the impact post maternity coaching
Coach-To-Transformation provides:
  • The most suitable coach based on the organization requirement from its carefully curetted pool of >1000 global credentialed coaches.
  • Comprehensive diagnostics of your needs and well-articulated outcome
  • Effective trackers to track the progress
  • Engagement details of coaching journey available at a click
  • Measurable results to weigh the coaching impact

Read Executive Coaching FAQ’s


(Frequently Asked Questions)

Coach As A Service is an umbrella Program under which we provide qualified and experienced coaches based on organizations’ need to coach their employees for various coaching needs.
We do an internal mapping of coaches based on the organizational needs and suggest the most suitable coaches. Usually it fits the requirements. However, if the organizations want to do an initial chemistry session with the coaches before finalization, they can very well indicate the same.
Number of sessions by each coach depends on the need of the coachee. Same is discussed and agreed between Coach-To-Transformation and the organization before starting the coaching engagement.
Coach-To-Transformation has its proprietary software (CaaS) which tracks the coaching journey of each and every Coachee including coaching objectives, session scheduling and their pre and post coaching ratings on objectives worked upon. The data is available to the organization without compromising on confidentiality.

Enquire Now

At Coach-to-transformation we understand every Organization is unique and so are its people and their needs. All our Coaching Programs are completely customisable and can be curated around your specific issues and time at hand.

We are happy and passionate about having a coaching conversation.
Please contact us for further details.


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