What is Transformational Coaching?
- Jun 04th 2018
In general, coaching is, generative in nature, results oriented and requires the client to learn how to be accountable for everything that goes in their lives. Coaching empowers you to shift interpretations that no longer serve you in your life. Now, transformational coaching is basically the deeper work of coaching. A transformational coach seeks to encourage an increased awareness of of an individual’s models and ideals of the world around them in order to have them create and design new possibilities for not only themselves, but the people around them. The main focus of a transformational coach is to help the client’s exploration of their underlying beliefs, assumptions, values, personal attitudes and expectations that are used to help shape their experiences and world in general, shift in a positive way. Of course, the exploration in itself is no where near unfocused. It begins with the presentation of the client’s issues, challenges, aspirations or expectations, however, rather than purely focusing on achieving or resolving those different things, it concentrates on determining what is at the heart of the whole situation whilst enabling the achievements of the main goals, where relevant. This type of coaching is basically pretty similar to life coaching. Its main intention is to help people better both themselves and their lives by encouraging them to adopt the necessary changes. However, compared to like coaching, the difference it has here is that instead of changing the way you act, transformational coaches help their clients change how they see as well as feel about themselves. This usually involves changing the limitations and perceptions they have about themselves and others, and changing their whole self image in general. Those of you seeking to become transformational coaches should possess a few vital characteristics. For starters, when it comes to both non-verbal and verbal communication, it would be extremely helpful if you were a veritable expert. Aside from that, you should also be non-judgmental, understanding, inspirational and motivational.
Once one goes through this type of deeper work coaching all aspects and areas of their lives will be completely changed, often simultaneously. The client and coach partnership is important because it helps reduce the overwhelming feeling of the program. These positive changes will be found in:-
This transformation will usually have a positive effect on your overall health. This is because becoming aware of unhealthy behaviors and habits will help you avoid poor diet plans and will encourage you to exercise more for you’ll be conscious of the direct effects these behaviors have on both your ability to focus as well as your energy levels.
As clients become more appreciative and positive toward the people and environment around them, and begin to do away with old insecurities, eventually, their relationships with their family, friends and workmates become much better. They do away with the relationships that didn’t add value to their lives and keep the ones that did. Individuals learning how to value themselves will have a natural state of greater openness and love.
Transformational coaching entails building a new future for yourself by realigning yourself with a constructive plan. This will build an anticipation and excitement to do what you love doing most, in turn, encouraging a positive shift in your mere survival financial concerns. Those that successfully go through this will learn that unhappiness is basically all about what they are not doing toward achieving their own greatness.
Your spiritual world expands because this type of coaching will teach you how to listen and hear it. Learning how to recognize the different inner voices that come within you will help you sort out and distinguish the positive ones from the negative ones. One of transformation’s unifying processes are acknowledging the sources of inner understanding, giving the client a greater presence in their lives and encouraging self confidence in their ability to create and design their own individual life paths.
The school of thought in this type of coaching is that happiness basically starts from within. It is all to do with looking at your life’s bigger picture in general. Unlike the many other coaching styles out there, It doesn’t focus on fixing different parts of yourself.
Most life coaches will teach you that external goals are what will be the key to unlocking your life purpose as well as being the key to happiness. Transformational coaches do not go by this belief. They understand that life is much deeper than that. They understand that without a positive shift of perspectives, it’s meaningless to chase external goals. Their goal is to help you experience life’s fullness in all your waking moments. True life purpose is brought about by connecting with your state of presence.
This deeper work coaching technique will help you see and perceive yourself in an empowering and new way. A transformational coach will guide you on how to start feeling and thinking in a new way when it comes to being who you are, thus enabling you to inevitably connect with the magnitude and power within yourself.
The feeling that all you do is go through the motions and living like that is true I can be such a waste of this precious life you’ve been granted. Transformational coaching will connect you with the everyday pleasures and satisfaction that life has to offer. It will help you find your inspirations, motivations and your sense of fun and playfulness. It will teach you how to avoid those feelings of sadness and unworthiness. No other style of coaching achieves this better than this one.
Becoming the best version of yourself is something everyone can achieve. Basically, all that is needed is a bit of dedication and determination to change yourself, accompanied by a little transformational coaching. Bringing dreams to life and releasing ones full potential is something this style of deeper work coaching does extremely well. There is no better way to get right to the heart of the problem. All in all, change begins with you.
If you are interested in Transformational Coaching or want to know more about it, then click here –> CONTACT US

Rajat Garg
Rajat is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) with over 18 years of industry experience and over 2500 hours of coaching experience, helping people and organizations attain maximum effectiveness. His background includes working with CXOs, senior managers, managers and board of directors of small private companies to multi-billion dollar publicly traded organizations.