Aurinko Diaries
- Mar 04th 2019
Aurinko Diaries are small anecdotal records of my experiences with children.
I’ve been working with children for the past 12 years, as part of my Educational Initiative – Aurinko Academy.
I’ve always believed in Raising Sensitive, Sensible, Able, and Agents of Social Change with the right balance of Spirit Head Heart and Hands.
One of the first and foremost requirements for this is the need for freedom… in their minds, their bodies, their actions, their feelings, their thoughts, their spaces, their relationships, their growth and their thinking.
So how we do we raise children who can think for themselves? If they could do that, then why are we adults with our years of experience needed to nurture them? Don’t children grow up and then demonstrate they can independently think, take decisions, fend for themselves as the result of “Education” and “Upbringing”
Children are such a beautiful creation… the first thought is to envelop them, care, and fend for them and to shelter them from discomfort… sometimes even from the discomfort of thinking… or so we think
However Children in my experience have a mind of their own… a mind that’s clear of perceptions, notions, preconceived ideas etc. So their thinking is clear, they are able to see reason and quickly understand the situation at hand.
All they need is an adult that can stop taking charge, understand it’s the child’s journey and learning, be a rock solid Coach for life and gently help the child traverse life and collect his experiences and enjoy the journey called life.
This is how I do it.
A Just turned 6 – I’m bored… no actually I’m tired. Well actually yes I’m just tired.
Me: What do you mean by tired?
A: Means Block… I feel I’m blocked
Me: What happens to you when you are tired?
A: I can’t think, I don’t want to do anything, I want to give up, my mind is tired,
Me: OK …Go on
A: It happens all day… in class sometimes or all the times.
Me: What is it that makes your mind tired in class?
A: Ii can do all the things in class… I can read and write and spell and do math also.
Me: What do you do when you are tired?
Me: I don’t know… I walk out… take a break
Me: How does that feel?
A: Not that ok… but ok
Me: So it’s about your mind you said…
A: Yes My mind. My body is very strong.
Me: Why is you mind tired?
A: Because it’s thinking… its thinking all the time
Me: what does it think…?
A: About what’s happening in class, what I need to do and so many things… it thinks of animal’s plants stars and so many many things
Me: Well what do u think of that then…?
A: of what
Me: Of the things you think … you mentioned so many of them.
A: (eyes twinkle) I think I get it… Oh that’s the problem… I’m thinking many different things at a time… no wonder my mind is tired…
Ok bye!!!And she ran off.
Coaching helps a child train their mind… to think… find themselves, for themselves. A child at peace with herself will definitely be an Agent of Social Change J
What else do we need … Isn’t that the purpose of education?

Rajat Garg
Rajat is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) with over 18 years of industry experience and over 2500 hours of coaching experience, helping people and organizations attain maximum effectiveness. His background includes working with CXOs, senior managers, managers and board of directors of small private companies to multi-billion dollar publicly traded organizations.