Your Inner Peace
- Jan 18th 2022
We live in a pretty difficult world.
Especially now when the world has suddenly and drastically started to change and we are being constantly told how to live our lives.
We are expected to just go with the flow and not against it.
In 20/20 hindsight, most of us have been puppets going along for the ride, the world being our puppeteer.
We should understand that there is a fine balance between going with the flow and breaking it, where both can be difficult yet life changing. But the challenges are a lot more when you want to break the flow and do something unconventional, different, against the norms. You will be an outlier!
We are constantly being bombarded with images and mantras of what success in life is and how to obtain it. Accordingly, we put timelines and define milestones for ourselves.
In such a fast and chaotic life, inner peace is one of the most important and vital aspect of one’s life.
But one has to understand the value and impact of being at peace with oneself and keep working towards it continuously.
“Our intention creates our reality”
— Wayne Dyer
Inner peace is driven by self-awareness – one needs to be self-aware to know how one’s emotions are affecting one’s peace. Being aware of one’s self is knowing ourselves better.
“When you are there be truly present, 100% in that moment, at that place, with the person or experience and it will forever become part of you.”
Coaching is a journey of self-awareness which may or may not lead to inner peace. Self-Awareness is the foundation for increasing our emotional intelligence. The much-required skill set to become a better version of ourselves.
Being “In” the present can be practiced by meditation, managing one’s thoughts/emotions.
Author Myrko Thum explains what it means to live in the present moment.
“The present moment is the only thing where there is no time. It is the point between past and future. It is always there and it is the only point we can access in time. Everything that happens, happens in the present moment.
Everything that ever happened and will ever happen can only happen in the present moment. It is impossible for anything to exist outside of it.”
You’re thinking too much, just let it flow.” E. Paluszak
Vipassana says embrace your pain – be an observer, don’t react to it. Vipassana is an ancient mindfulness meditation technique. It involves observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them. Let them pass.
I had done a 10 day course of vipassana. It was an eye-opener and helped me understand how we can control and manage our emotions by practicing meditation and mindfulness. Mind is a like a crazy monkey – it keeps jumping from one thought to another. The more you want to keep it clear – more thoughts will keep popping up.
Moral of the story is choose whichever way helps you to achieve inner peace, go ahead with it – as it will help you survive and thrive in this world.