Need for an Inclusive Coaching Culture!
- May 27th 2019
Organizations these days are undergoing huge changes at each phase. It could either be enormous growth, undergoing a joint venture or merger and acquisition. They undergo a huge culture change post any joint venture or M&A. But is the organization ready to embrace the cultural change it will continue to go through in the next couple of years. Typically, immediate cascading effects happen on the workforce the way day to day business is conducted, change in- leadership, values, vision, goals and policies and whether employees at each level are ready for this change is a very mysterious question.
Any positive changes in any of the above-mentioned situations gets implemented with ease but what about the mixed bag of changes which includes not the positive ones, as it may be look like.
Positive changes could be:
- High employee morale
- Inclusive culture
- Strategic retention of employees
- Performance driven culture
Not so positives could be:
- Change in leadership style for e.g.- command and control type leadership leading to micromanagement
- Lowered employee morale leading to increased absenteeism, exits, unhappiness etc
- Increased attrition
- Loss of trust
Positives are always taken in the best stride but what about the reverse of it? That’s when a need for an ongoing coaching culture becomes very critical for an organization. When an organization builds a coaching inclusive culture at every given phase, it would help in managing this tide more smoothly.
How will an internal coach or external coach help in building a coaching culture?
A coach can help the leaders bring changes at all levels. Specific programs can be created using probable ways:
- Appreciating employees’ efforts and recognizing them. Inquiring employees through an appreciative process on how they vision the organization they are currently working should be.
- Using methods of moving towards optimism (ABCDE model) of Dr Martin Seligman which as a concept can be used in day to day life.
- Having intelligent conversations with people across levels which could help in positive conversations and build increased trust in people
- Creating internal coaches even at the first managerial levels can create a positive environment for employees at all levels.
I am sure there are many more proven methods and interventions.
Conversations with employees needs to be very simple and sending good vibes which will help in maintaining their thoughts in their prefrontal cortex (front part of the brain which exhibits trust and releases good hormones) helping to build trust and foster relationships in an organization.
With these kinds of interventions there is a high probability for an organization to manage change at all levels.
The need of the hour is to build a continuous coaching culture within rather than only having coaches during dire necessity. It should be viewed as a long- term investment and not as a cost.
“Dukh mein sumiran sab kare, Sukh mein kare na koye
Jo sukh mein sumiran kare, To dukh kahe ko hoye”

Rajat Garg
Rajat is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) with over 18 years of industry experience and over 2500 hours of coaching experience, helping people and organizations attain maximum effectiveness. His background includes working with CXOs, senior managers, managers and board of directors of small private companies to multi-billion dollar publicly traded organizations.