“Go For It”
- Dec 15th 2021
I recently started my journey as a Life Coach. We were put among others from varied backgrounds, different parts of the world, different upbringings and different cultures. We were asked a question, “What is it that others in the room don’t know about you?” This was a great way of knowing others as well as introducing myself and it brought me thinking, What do I need to say so that others know me well enough?
Moving ahead in the session, one of the questions that struck me most is “What different ‘you’ are you planning to bring to the room every time?” This was a thought provoking question and I felt like I was trapped. Never had I thought about this and I was thinking to myself “Who is this different me and how can I change myself in this journey of learning.” I asked myself “How can I bring a different me to the room? Dealing with my discomfort, I dived deep into my thoughts with a quick check on my feelings. I felt stuck about a different ‘me’ and I also witnessed my peers talking about a similar discomfort with not being able to tap into the feeling of a different ‘you’. Unable to find answers and listening to peers, I changed the way of questioning myself “What can I do to make myself better than I was yesterday?”
Suddenly I had an epiphany and I started to jot down all the things I was struggling with in my life, relationships, friendships, career and everything else. Talking to friends and family gave me a perspective. I realised that by taking the easy route I allowed others to take charge of my life and somewhere started to run away from reality. So I applied this ‘what’ question to all facets of my life and to my surprise, I was able to unlock this different me which was better than yesterday. BINGO!
This did open me to new ways of thinking. Changing my way of thinking from HOW to WHAT reminded me that I can find answers to my questions and the most desirable ones which align with my thinking. So this acronym will keep me in perspective when I feel stuck.
W- Wishful H- Helpful A-Achievable T- Tool
Using “WHAT” as a tool and asking a question using this creates a possibility and opens up to newer ways of thinking. It’s like challenging yourself to find a better ‘you’ that you desire to be and is also helpful in your journey.
So, a simple shift in my thought and in the way I talk to myself can create endless possibilities to set achievable goals to reach the desired outcome without having to worry about the result at the beginning. This new tool has helped me in life struggles and I am sure it will help you too.
So “Go For It”!
About the Author
Name – Pooja Kenia
About me– I am an educationist since the last 10 years, currently taken a break to explore new opportunities and continue my journey as a life long learner.
Program Attended with CTT- ACC
Reason for taking the program– Firstly it was a talk with Arvind that was convincing enough to dive into this journey. When I spoke to him I thought he has answers to almost all my questions.
What worked for you- The entire coaching process of how simple yet impactful coaching can be for self and others.
What benefits you got– Acknowledgement of my feeling and the answers that lie within. Also the realisation of helping others by lending only a listening ear and the right questions to reach desired goals.