- Nov 12th 2021
The conversation is one of the greatest gifts of life to mankind. The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle described the man as a “Social Animal”. This means that man thrives within a social circle, while some may have larger circles than others, what is clear is that interaction no matter how minute is not a “want” to man, but a fundamental “need” and one of the ways man satisfies this need is by having quality conversations.
When people see the word Coaching, they often think it means teaching, mentoring, counseling, or therapy. But whereas all the above are quality conversations, Coaching is the Ferrari of them all.
Ferrari is a luxury car of Italian origin, reputed to be one of the fastest and most recognized car brands in the world. For over 60years Ferrari has combined style with excellence such that cars that leave the Ferrari factory are hand-made and detailed to the 100th of a Centimeter! This accounts for the cost and respects it has earned over the years.
Just like a Ferrari, Coaching is a category King conversation style in many ways. Firstly, without proffering solutions, coaching is one of the fastest ways through which a client can find the answers they seek. Coaching has also been recognized across the world to account for more than a 24% increase in margins in companies that adopted it as a cardinal aspect of capacity building. According to Forbes, 70% of individuals who received coaching benefited from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. About 86% of companies reported to have recouped the investment they made in coaching.
So, what is it that makes coaching like a Ferrari? 3 Key Elements account for the excellence in professional coaching.
First, it is the agreement between parties from the beginning. The coaching conversation is extraordinarily detailed! It is not only defined from the outset but its bespoke design is tailored to fit the client’s unique interest and concern. During a coaching conversation, the coach partners with the client to not only define a clear goal but to clarify this goal and spot when it has been achieved. This is like handing an invite to an important occasion to a chaperon, who sees to it that you are not only dressed to suit the event but that you arrive at the destination on time enough to enjoy it.
Some of the things that make the coaching conversation very effective is that it removes parties from the pitfall of a rigmarole, it saves their time while stimulating the adrenalin of expectation by beginning with the end in mind.
Most things that ride on four wheels are cars, but there are cars and there are cars, to put it lightly. The experience in a Ferrari is distinct and so is coaching. The coach creates a presence that gives the client an essence. By asking questions that land powerfully on the client, the coach exhibits curiosity for the client who at some point suddenly feels like a light bulb has been lit over their area of concern. This awareness is like finding a pin a haystack without sweating, all because the light is beamed in the right place, with the right intensity.
Nothing compares to riding your Ferrari, it was built for the driving experience. While it is nice to be driven in a Ferrari, it is best to drive one yourself. Being in the driving seat gives you the control that births confidence. The coaching conversation does not only end in the thrill of discovery but extends to the grill of recovery. In a coaching session, the client is in control of the outcomes, and by spelling out actionable steps and x-raying threats to these steps, the client gains the courage to make progress.
As the coach weighs the commitments before him in a balance, he hands the scale over to the client to make the decision that could change their life forever.
Structured, swift, mindful, thoughtful, and gainful. If professional coaching was a car, the starting description of the experience will be a Ferrari.
About The Author
About the Author Charles is a Lawyer, Negotiator, and Mediator. Charles has undergone 125 hours of Coach specific training and has over 100hours of coaching experience. His foray into coaching was preceded by the creation of the IRMP Model which simplifies complexities and transforms the workplace. He consults for organizations, facilitates training, and has coached c-suite executives in Australia, South Africa, the United States of America, Egypt, Hungary, and Nigeria. He is your quintessential conversationalist with a reputation of correctly measuring the right depth of connection everyone needs during coaching
Program Attended with CTT: ACTP
Reason for taking this program: To improve my connection and impact with people
What worked for you: The Coaching Process
What benefits you got: Meeting new people and the challenge to sharpen my resourcefulness to mankind.
The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Coach-To-Transformation or its parent company.