COACHING – MY JOURNEY – till now..!
- Nov 16th 2021
Year 2020 had just passed by and I was having a sigh of relief!
It was a year of being at home for a stretch of time, being cut-off, sort of, from outside world, in physical sense. But that also gave me time and space to contemplate and reflect as to where I was standing in life at that point in time and how I want to take it forward from that point. And that is when I decided to work towards giving myself a new skill set, a skill set that gives more meaning to me as an individual and adds more to me on a personal level. And that is when post some research, zeroed upon a course in Coaching.
Now when I had started, I never realized it is such a profound field and that the influence of the COURSE on me would be so much! Currently, I am into the 7th week and the COURSE has already transformed into a JOURNEY and looks like a LIFELONG JOURNEY and I am already sold into being a lifelong traveler of this JOURNEY!
So here I am in my initial days of this JOURNEY and exploring the understanding of this to me. And considering the vastness of this area of expertise, to make it more retentive for myself felt an urge to link it with the term ‘COACHING’ itself. So here we go with my understanding of the world of Coaching till now:
C – Clarity: First and foremost is the process of enabling sufficient stimulation of client’s thought processes, enabling them to start talking to themselves to an extent that they start seeing Clarity in their own line of thinking.
O – Observant: A coach needs to be ever-observant to what the client is going through in the session. The observation is not just about what the client is speaking or behaving in that session but also about why the client is speaking or behaving in that particular manner, and this thus includes even understanding the cultural settings of the client.
A – Authenticity: Keep the conversation with the client as original as possible and not a copy of anything else. To explore further this, do not bring your experience or understanding of the situation into play. Don’t listen to understand, but listen to listen. Be in that moment and let the Client explore his situation in his own authentic way.
C – Coequal Communication: The starting point of any coaching assignment is that both coach and client are equal in that session. A coach is not to be seen as someone who is superior to the client in that session.
H – Honour: A coach needs to honor and respect the privacy agreement that has been entered with the client. Whatever has been discussed in the session with the client remains with the client only and not to be made public (there are exceptions though, but they are exceptions!).
I – Impactful: DO NOT try to be impactful or try to provide solutions. Coaching is not about getting into a session with the intent of making impacts. It is being into the session for the client and be with them throughout through active listening and awareness. Whether it’s impactful or not, it’s only the client’s prerogative.
N – Noncommittal: Coaching is about not expressing or revealing a commitment to a definite opinion or course of action. Only client can decide which opinion or course of action. A coach is there to facilitate a client in reaching his desired outcome which the client has stated during the session and that too only if the client desires.
G – Genuine: Last but definitely one of the most important aspects of Coaching – as a coach be genuine. As a coach, be present in that session only for the client and give 100% attention only to the client. No pretense.
Well, here we are there then, with a concise summary of what coaching means to me. I am sure as I go further into this journey, I would be exploring more and more intricate nuances of the same. But for now, keeping the above in my mind as I move ahead.
To end this, nothing more apt comes to my mind then the below from Martin Buber:
“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveller is unaware.”
About The Author
Author Name: Nishant Kumar Surana
Title of Blog: COACHING – MY JOURNEY – till now..!
About the author: Someone who is into the finance field as per his qualification and profession; currently exploring new dimensions about himself.
Program Attended with CTT: ACC
Reason for taking this Program: Explore new dimensions about self
What worked for you: The realization of how simple the process is yet the profound impact it can bring into someone’s life
What benefits you got: The realization that we can make some difference to someone’s life!
The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Coach-To-Transformation or its parent company.