Coaching and Leadership Blog for Leaders and Coaches
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Gratitude – A State of Being
This blog is authored by Mythili Dinesh As the year 2019 rolled past, I got into a reflective frame of mind. Another year passes by and I was looking for some answers. How did I do in 2019? What were the highlights? What did I miss? What is still “work-in-progress”? And how does any of … Continue reading "Gratitude – A State of Being"
- May 25th 2020
My Road to Acceptance
This blog is authored by Mythili Dinesh For the longest time, I’ve had a very “black or white” perspective. It was either right or wrong and people were either a friend or not. It was a binary all-or-nothing-mindset. I had a thing for rules and regulations, do’s and don’ts. This creates a lot of schemas … Continue reading "My Road to Acceptance"
Me Time
This blog is authored by Jerestine Work stress is the talk of the town currently, all of us are going through the same and no doubt in today’s terms is a fact of life. Constant stress not only reduces our efficiency at work but also takes a big hit on our personal relationships. If one … Continue reading "Me Time"
Top Trends from the 5 th Coaching Survey – An Asia Coaching Benchmark, 2019
Interesting trends in the profession of coaching have emerged, as seen in edition 1.1. of the 5th Coaching Survey – An Asia Coaching Benchmark [2019] owned by Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches. Published in April 2020, and co-sponsored by Coach-To-Transformation, the report represents survey results from the markets of Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mainland China, … Continue reading "Top Trends from the 5 th Coaching Survey – An Asia Coaching Benchmark, 2019"
My Coaching Journey….
It was year 2017 nearing to an end and I was close to finish my long innings with corporates as a senior finance professional. I was getting ready to send off my structured work regime, functional responsibilities and supportive role I played, to help corporates, with expertise I gained over four decades. I wanted to … Continue reading "My Coaching Journey…."
Advantages of Becoming an ICF Certified Coach
As life becomes increasingly complex and challenging, and as human ambition continues to rise peak after the peak, the tools of inner transformation await eagerly to handhold us into becoming the best a version of ourselves. It is no wonder today that becoming a life coach is an enriching career, both financially and emotionally. What’s … Continue reading "Advantages of Becoming an ICF Certified Coach"
The Secondary Layer
This blog is authored by Revathi Shivakumar My husband and I, we try to live in gratitude and make a difference where we can. When COVID-19 hit us and the country went into lockdown, I reached out to my maid, cook and driver and transferred money for their needs. Assured them that they would get … Continue reading "The Secondary Layer"
This blog is authored by Shailendra Till the end of last year, did anyone imagine countries getting locked down? I think for most people alive today, this is the first time in their lives that they cannot go out of their homes. If you are a perennial pessimist, you might conclude that this is the … Continue reading "THERE IS LIFE BEYOND"
True Love
This blog is authored by Nimalshini With a lot of life changing situations I’ve gone through over the past year, I started a journey of self-reflection, and came to certain realizations which made me unleash some of the chains, beliefs and expectations from society that I was struggling to break free from. It made me … Continue reading "True Love"
What is it I am looking for!
This blog is authored by Shilpa Jahagirdar Never did I realise that I choose from my surroundings what I want to know about! Least did I know that, at times it infers, I just close myself to another person’s world and all I think of was myself! I mean, I knew I was lost in my … Continue reading "What is it I am looking for!"
This blog is authored by Jerestine I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them…. Oscar Wilde In the midst of all the rush and hush, is it always important to have an opinion about everything? Does everything always have to make sense? Is it … Continue reading "CONVERSATIONS WITHIN"