Coaching and Leadership Blog for Leaders and Coaches
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We are Naked Before a Coachee…….
There are no ATC officers on onboard aircraft carriers. All flying operations are supervised by the pilots, who watch every move, intervene in the moment, and can even waive off a landing when the envelope doesn’t look right. I was conducting flying operations from INS Viraat (yes, also when the Prime Minster came on-board in … Continue reading "We are Naked Before a Coachee……."
- Aug 19th 2019
Side effects typically carry a negative connotation, like the side effects associated with medicines or the ones associated with too much caffeine. However, when it comes to coaching, the coach is likely to experience some side effects that are life enhancing. These side effects can vary from one coach to another, so I will stick … Continue reading "SIDE EFFECTS OF COACHING"
Parenting and Coaching
Is there a connection between parenting and coaching? Through this blog I am attempting to establish a connect between the two. I will try to evaluate a few of the coaching competencies and their related impact on parenting. Let us have a look at those competencies one at a time . It is extremely important … Continue reading "Parenting and Coaching"
The Influence and impact of Beliefs
A story which has left an indelible impact on me is of a baby elephant, which is tied up to a tree with a chain so that it does not get lost in the jungle. With time, the baby elephant grew up to become a full-size giant but the chain and tree remained the same. … Continue reading "The Influence and impact of Beliefs"
About Success, I Wish I Learnt At Home.
“Oh my God! What happened to you and how did you manage to hurt your face?”, my mother exclaimed as she opened the door to me. I was probably 6 or 7 and rushed home injured, playing football. In her panic, she added: “Dad’s going to be back home any minute and you’re going to … Continue reading "About Success, I Wish I Learnt At Home."
Slow-down to Speed-up!
Corporate world of the day sees us – the people ‘on duty’ – work tirelessly with deadlines. More-often-than-not, we initiate very quick actions when faced with any work situation. We tend to act almost impulsively on the readily available cues, or defined group decisions and move into actions. And this happens During this incessant clockwork … Continue reading "Slow-down to Speed-up!"
Need for an Inclusive Coaching Culture!
Organizations these days are undergoing huge changes at each phase. It could either be enormous growth, undergoing a joint venture or merger and acquisition. They undergo a huge culture change post any joint venture or M&A. But is the organization ready to embrace the cultural change it will continue to go through in the next … Continue reading "Need for an Inclusive Coaching Culture!"
Foibles of a trainee-coach!
As happens oftentimes in life; while learning something new; the mind easily grasps what ‘needs to be done’ but ‘doing it’ is slightly more complicated! So also in coaching; when my mentor coaches conducted a coaching session, I could recognise their skill in applying the coaching competencies flawlessly; but come my turn….and the client check-mated … Continue reading "Foibles of a trainee-coach!"
Good to Great- The role of Coaching and Mentoring
In this age of Artificial intelligence, machines can do almost anything that human beings can do. In fact machines have become so smart that it can even do almost anything for human beings (from surgeries, to making coffee to cleaning clothes, etc) . But we, “Homo Sapiens” are social animals and need mutual help to survive … Continue reading "Good to Great- The role of Coaching and Mentoring"
A perspective on Motivating
I have been hiking in India for many years and every time we go to a place we encounter different challenges even though the same trail has been explored many times. All team members, including new team members, always have sense of accomplishment after hike and often realize that mental as well as physical limits … Continue reading "A perspective on Motivating"
“Why did you choose to be a Coach?”
Thus far in my coaching journey, I have learned a lot, swum in uncharted waters; and yet, somewhere, I am still stuck at the start….. So, here is my beginning! Before signing up for the coach training program; my frantic questions to the mentor coach were somewhat along these lines, “Am I a fit candidate … Continue reading "“Why did you choose to be a Coach?”"