Leadership in a Distributed Environment – Being There When You Are Not There
- Nov 16th 2021
The recent pandemic has definitely taught us what VUCA means – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous. But many of us also learnt that it stands for Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility.
While working & conducting my studies on future of work and competencies required by leaders in future, thinking about how the pandemic has impacted us and will bring what kinds of challenges I started delving deeper into the topic of leadership in a distributed environment.
In an environment when many areas were under lockdown, people were at home but still needed to support and run the business, since most of the operations went from centralized to distributed managed. Leaders were not present with teams but had to lead them, guide them, provide direction and support them to deliver results.
Distributed means dispersed over time and space. The businesses operate in different parts of the globe in physical space and at different times.
In future this will become a very critical competency for Leaders to learn to engage with people who are geographically and organizationally distributed; medium of meetings may change from in-person to virtual to holographic – Being There when You are Not There
The concept of Meeting will change in future. The in-person meeting will have to be redefined basis different context. The different context would be –
- Same Place – Same Time
- Same Place – Different Time
- Different Place – Same Time
- Different Place – Different Time
- Any Place – Any Time
Leadership presence will be exhibited by wide mix of media and in person meetings in varied combinations. Cultures will have to be created which will be amplified through the usage of mix media reality that will emerge over the next few years.
Nowadays kids are very apt in handling this kind of complexity. How do they do it – it’s through Gaming. They use Artificial Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) to play games and they are able to adapt to it flawlessly. We adults will have to learn from kids on how to operate in a Blended Reality and leverage Mix Media.
Leaders will have to make their presence felt, even if they are not there. AR, VR and MR will create Blended Reality. Leaders who do not have their Multi-Media presence, this is something they will have to build to be present everywhere even if they are not present.
Systems which provide an alternate to in-person meetings are designed with an assumption that the in-person meeting can be replicated by providing closer virtual meeting. Whereas the aim should be of being better than in person. Irrespective of the medium of interaction, the leaders should be able to make a bigger and effective impact than being in person. A Leadership style coming from the
perspective of Strength & Humility as competencies will help exuberate the impact.
Leaders will have to evolve personal communication strategy and style to match the different options of distance/space and time. With this they will have to have a skill development plan. The Human Resource division will have to understand this and build in the leadership development plan accordingly.
This will help the leaders to communicate better the Vision, provide better Understanding & Clarity and help teams to operate with Agility.
About the Author
Avishkar has 22+ years of business experience working with #1 Fortune and World’s Most Admired companies. He has held many leadership roles all through his career including being a Board Member, the current being the Senior Vice President and Chief People Officer. He leads the Business mandate of leveraging Talent for a large distributed 8000+ workforce. His focus is on the Future in terms of work, leadership competency, and digital transformation. He has worked across large multi cultural global teams and has a significant experience & exposure managing global stakeholders through strong relationship, influencing and coaching skills.
Program Attended with CTT: ICF Coach Certification Program Level 1
Reason for taking this program: Building the Coaching Skill and leveraging it to Make a Difference in the World
What worked for you: The experiential learning
What benefits you got: Considerably help in developing my active listening and quality of questions being asked competencies
Picture Credit: Avishkar Mehrotra
The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Coach-To-Transformation or its parent company.