Me Time
- May 11th 2020
This blog is authored by Jerestine
Work stress is the talk of the town currently, all of us are going through the same and no doubt in today’s terms is a fact of life. Constant stress not only reduces our efficiency at work but also takes a big hit on our personal relationships. If one doesn’t disconnect himself from work stress, then the professional problems usually spill over the home space.
More so these scenarios where you barely hear what’s getting discussed at the dinner table. Always keep checking your email inbox. Getting into a fight with your partner as soon as you enter your house. All these make you usually feel that you never left work at al.
My journey with coaching has taught me various minute things that I have started walking with. One such learning is realizing that taking work related stress home, has made me lose the precious moments with my family. We see ourselves glued to our phones more than anything, gone are the days when we could do without phone all day. These days forgetting my phone at home, feels like a part of me is missing. This blog not only focuses on work stress but also on the need to disconnect once in a while to have that pleasant ME time in life.
In several ways I try to reduce the work stress and have me time by implementing most of my learnings from coaching:
- Usually when things are not to fine at work and through our mind, your partner and kids can feel that there is something that is bothering you. But without explaining them your distracted mind may seems to be as lack of care. So discussing with family about your day and what you have gone through helps in ways one can’t explain.
- Also using your travel time back home constructively like music, singing the song out loud in the car, or listening to some of my favourites TED videos helps disconnect with work to a greater extend.
- Neaten the work area before you leave from work helps immensely. The whole act of cleaning helps your mind mentally prepare itself that it’s time to leave and head home. Decluttering helps in different ways, also adds up that you come fresh the next day to a clean workstation
- Digital Detox helps in a great way. If you are one of them who finds it very difficult to disconnect from phone (work), then starting with couple of hours before bedtime helps and then slowly expanding it to morning hours works a big way. This off course is easier said than done.
- For many of us taking vacations helps a great way to recharge our batteries and disconnect from work life. The challenge is that the benefits of vacations don’t last long, sometimes disappear immediately the moment member joins work. In these times taking micro vacations (small vacations frequently) really help. Not only helps to disconnect from work life but helps in exploring and discovering oneself
- Setting up a place at home, a corner where no work essentials are kept. A place where non work activities like reading, yoga or meditation. Associating this spot with no work will pull you to do things that bring immense joy to you.
- Supporting your partner in his adverse times at work is equally important. A great deal can be achieved by merely LISTENING. We may have a habit of paying half attention while our partner is sharing or sometimes continuing to do our things simultaneously. However, this may make your partner feel upset. Just by paying full attention to your partner without interrupting or giving advice can help him get it out his chest. Also comparing his journey with that of yours is completely unfair. It’s not a competition. It’s about being a compassionate listener and being supportive at the same time.
Most of us believe in doing things for others, as children we have been taught that helping, or being kind is great. Nevertheless in this whole process, one always forgets to give time to themselves. Which is the essential piece of the blog. I, post reading a lot of articles, books, and of course, the coaching process have realized that ME Time is something that I like and helps me declutter and sort pieces in my head.
Rajat Garg
Rajat is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) with over 18 years of industry experience and over 2500 hours of coaching experience, helping people and organizations attain maximum effectiveness. His background includes working with CXOs, senior managers, managers and board of directors of small private companies to multi-billion dollar publicly traded organizations.