Coaching and Leadership Blog for Leaders and Coaches
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Mum, I’m the one asking the questions…..!
Recently, I saw an opportunity to engage my developing coaching skills in a conversation with my eight year old son. We had been learning about the use of metaphors in our training sessions and I got really excited when my son asked ‘Mum, what would you rather be? A tree or a house?’. Instantly, I … Continue reading "Mum, I’m the one asking the questions…..!"
- Sep 23rd 2017
Want to be Successful? – Question your Questioning!
Alvin Toffler, an American writer and futurist known for his works discussing the digital, communications, corporate revolutions and technological singularity, said…. “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Wondering, how does this quote relates to the title of the … Continue reading "Want to be Successful? – Question your Questioning!"
Emotional Anchors – Why you need them!
2012 was supposed to be the year of the apocalypse. There were many doomsday & new age theories and to a curious soul like me, it was a wonderful distraction. I say distraction because those theories and prediction stories helped me anchor what I consider the most difficult time of my life. Anchors are someone … Continue reading "Emotional Anchors – Why you need them!"
Coaching and Self Awareness
Guest Blog: Uday Deshpande As I got on my Coaching journey with Coach-To-Transformation (Rajat and Arvind) along with other batch mates, one of the biggest aha thing has been on “knowing myself better…much better”. The self-awareness, to me, is a key to the way you live and enjoy your life, … every moment! There were … Continue reading "Coaching and Self Awareness"
The Leadership Test
I am sure we have all wondered at times: “Am I a Leader?” You are sure about leading people and you have been doing it for ages, but that question does not go away. Am I doing everything to be called a Leader? There are many definitions of Leadership and enough programs being run around … Continue reading "The Leadership Test"
Creating a coaching culture in your organization
The Indian Coaching market is growing and growing very fast. Every month new organizations pick up leadership or executive coaching as their mandate. The target segment is mostly top leadership or senior management with either issue based coaching or performance coaching for high potential leaders. But there is another segment that is opening up: creating … Continue reading "Creating a coaching culture in your organization"
Are self-help books helping you?
I was at the Bangalore Airport waiting in line for checkin, when I heard shouting from one of the counters. A customer was shouting as some need of his was not getting met by the airline. The same customer was on my flight and while waiting for the gate to open, I was amused to … Continue reading "Are self-help books helping you?"
Playing the game is not about politics
This is something that came up with a coaching client during a session yesterday. A successful VP at a large multinational wanted to know how to play the game! The client was known for being curt with his answers and respond in a manner which irritated others. On the other hand the client feels: “it seems … Continue reading "Playing the game is not about politics"
How to handle difficult conversations
This topic keeps on coming up regularly in my coaching sessions. For some people it is very difficult to handle difficult conversations. By difficult I mean, times when you are supposed to tell the truth to a direct reportee about his work, times when you have to tell the truth to your clients, times when … Continue reading "How to handle difficult conversations"
Do you always look for the hole in the ceiling?
Are you the type of person who looks for whats wrong or the person who looks for whats right? That is what I mean by asking “Do you always look for the hole in the ceiling?”. Basically we keep on noticing the small hole in the ceiling and keep getting irritated by it and forget … Continue reading "Do you always look for the hole in the ceiling?"
How to read a 360 degree assessment
This post is about how to read a 360 degree assessment and not on the usefulness of these assessments or how they are being used in the industry today. I have been on both the sides of these assessments; I have gone through one myself and I have done it for others as part of … Continue reading "How to read a 360 degree assessment"