Coaching and Leadership Blog for Leaders and Coaches
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Evolving Objectives of My Coaching Journey
People, how they respond to situations, and their growth has always interested me. Not only as an observer, but also as an actively involved partner. Decades invested in building and leading teams during my career taught me that relationships are beyond business. Also, the curiosity to know my team better made me befriend them and … Continue reading "Evolving Objectives of My Coaching Journey"
- Mar 10th 2022
Leadership Within!
You must be wondering what the title means? Let me answer this by asking another question, what does it mean to be a true leader? Through this blog I have endeavored to portray my perspective of a true leader, by illustrating it through the lens of a professional’s life, for whom designation was his identity … Continue reading "Leadership Within!"
The Power of A (Right) Question
One of the realisations I have had, over the past month and a half, since I have joined the coaching certification course is this – A pertinent question asked at the right place and at the right time has more power than a hundred answers provided to someone! It is famously said “Provide a man … Continue reading "The Power of A (Right) Question"
Your Inner Peace
We live in a pretty difficult world. Especially now when the world has suddenly and drastically started to change and we are being constantly told how to live our lives. We are expected to just go with the flow and not against it. In 20/20 hindsight, most of us have been puppets going along for … Continue reading "Your Inner Peace"
Your Shifting lighthouse
“No man or woman is an island. To exist just for self is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself.” —Denis Waitley A lighthouse is symbolic as it stands for showing path and direction (essentially light). We evolve, change and grow (most … Continue reading "Your Shifting lighthouse"
Enjoy Yourself!
As I move towards the end of my coaching certification with Coach to Transform and after going through a host of peer coaching and client coaching sessions – if there is one thing I have realised as a coach, one has to learn to enjoy oneself when in conversation with their client. When I say … Continue reading "Enjoy Yourself!"
The Power of Powerful Questions
When I started my coaching journey, I truly did not know what to expect. I deliberately did not indulge in a lot of reading, research on what coaching is about. The thought process was to embark on this journey with an open mind – free of any preconceived notions, biases, beliefs, or perceptions that I … Continue reading "The Power of Powerful Questions"
“Go For It”
I recently started my journey as a Life Coach. We were put among others from varied backgrounds, different parts of the world, different upbringings and different cultures. We were asked a question, “What is it that others in the room don’t know about you?” This was a great way of knowing others as well as … Continue reading "“Go For It”"
Validation…. Is it Important?
What does validation mean to you? The desire to be validated and accepted by ourselves and others is human nature. We are often our worst critic as we constantly ignore the efforts put in by us whenever we hit road blocks and hardly ever acknowledge the outcomes achieved. Validation communicates acceptance, encouragement, and positivity. Born … Continue reading "Validation…. Is it Important?"
Life continues to surprise us everyday isn’t it? Be it, a business deal that went better than expected, a new hobby you surprisingly excelled in, or a conversation where you connected with your teen daughter and understood the world from her eyes! There are two main ways in which we respond to life – natural … Continue reading "‘MAKING THE SWITCH’ – THE EVOLUTION OF A COACH"
Habits all 5-Star coaches possess – The 7 Cs
Everyone needs a little support sometimes to make life-changing decisions and a coach is that accountability partner to have on your journey. The coach has the extraordinary quality to help the client come to a new level of understanding of what’s possible. That special skill that guides clients to create a lasting change and make … Continue reading "Habits all 5-Star coaches possess – The 7 Cs"